miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

Scorsese's Ideology

I think that M. Scorsese presents in the movies Mean Street, Casino and Goodfellas what he thinks about mafia style of life. In this movie is very clear that the purpose of Scorsese is to give to the audience a portray of the gangster "world". In all these three movies we can see first the benefits and glamour that being part of the mafia gives. Then he presents us how this world works when things go bad. There is no friends, no loyalty,no benefits and no glamour. There is a lot of violence, crimes and no compassion for anybody. I think that Scorsese make the viewer very clear the statement that although in first place it looks very nice and very easy, at the end it have a lot of consequences.

2 comentarios:

Juan G. dijo...

I agree with you, Scorsese in his trilogy of gangster’s movies shows us the good things and the bad things of the gangster’s life and makes very clear that living a gangster’s life has its consequences.

Héctor Contreras dijo...

Indeed to be gangster is to pay high prices later on. All actions have some kind of consequence, and in the gangster world if you're a killer you have to be aware of the consequences. What really make Scorsese so special is that he definitely portrait a gangster in his true form, because they are humans so they get good things but also bad things like a common person.